Amanda Schleuss

Amanda Schleuss is the Director of Operations at Four Corners Global Consulting Group. Her areas of expertise include financial management, systems, communications, and programmatic operations.

For a decade, Amanda has dedicated her career to global human rights, supporting operations and program development. At Four Corners, Amanda oversees day-to-day operations including finances, human resources, administration, and communications to keep the firm running smoothly. She enjoys the challenge of streamlining processes and thinking strategically to optimize the long-term success and stability of an organization. Prior to working at Four Corners, Amanda headed operations at Global Rights for Women, where she established and formalized its infrastructure, setting the foundation for this now thriving organization. Previously, Amanda served as the Operations and Program Development Coordinator at Heartland Alliance International and worked with refugees at schools in Thailand and India.

Amanda earned a B.A. in Spanish and International Relations from Lawrence University. She is fluent in English and Spanish and is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Outside of work you can find her spending time with her husband and two children, traveling, hiking, and cooking.